INFINITE Project: Enhancing VET and Industry Collaboration Across Europe

The INFINITE Project is a groundbreaking initiative with a clear trans-national dimension, integrating four regional pilots from Germany, Spain, Finland, and Estonia. These pilots are designed to address the needs of VET centers related to flexible electronics at EQF levels 3-5. The consortium includes 19 highly relevant organizations from the PFOE sector across Europe, including full partners from Latvia, Finland, Germany, and Spain, and associated partners from France, Greece, Portugal, and Estonia.

Each participating country includes an industry representative and a local VET provider, fostering robust skills ecosystems that promote local innovation, regional growth, and social inclusivity. The industrial representatives, such as OES, FUNCP, PrintoCent, and LET, are strategic clusters offering extensive industry outreach and insights into technological trends and market needs. VET providers like AVO, SALES, OSAO, and OT offer diverse programs covering electronics, mechatronics, chemistry, graphics design, engineering, IT, and business, spanning EQF levels 1 to 7.

INFINITE also includes 10 associated partners, including public authorities and policymakers, ensuring alignment with local, regional, and national regulations and future certification in micro-credentials. Additionally, the consortium has garnered support from 66 entities, enhancing the dissemination of results and attracting young people and adults to the PFOE sector. Through international collaboration, INFINITE aims to drive collective progress, share common interests, and exchange valuable knowledge.

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